How Is Technology Reshaping the Modern Work Environment

employees cheering

If you look at history, you’ll see how technology consistently made an impact in society, especially when it comes to how workers do their job across various industries.

Technology has improved working conditions, from the industrial age to the modern-day information-driven age. Tedious processes have been streamlined, wasteful procedures have been eliminated, and productivity has increased. Workplaces have become much safer and healthier for employees.

Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Slack, and Google’s Workspace made it easier for teams in an organization to communicate remotely. Cloud-based storage allows information access anytime while ensuring security and protection for company data.

Offices have come a long way from in-person and landline means of communication to email and communication software. No longer would you see piles after piles of printed documents since most data is conveniently stored in computers, hard drives, and Cloud-based storage.

Now, let us take a look at how technology has helped shape the modern workplace as we know it.

Communication Lines

Technology has brought workplace communication to the next level. Gone are the days when you had to go from floor to floor to talk with a co-worker or your boss. Smartphones, chat apps, and social networking sites make communication in the workplace faster, collaborative, and deliberate.

Technology also made remote work virtually possible across various jobs. You no longer have to be present at work every time. Your superior and subordinates can reach you anywhere you are and at any time of the day.


Keeping organizations fully organized is another contribution of technology to workplaces. Back in the day, it was all about paper and pen when handing out tasks to each team member.

Digital solutions, such as project management software, allow teams to delegate, build, review, and assess tasks assigned to each member. Department heads and managers can easily keep track of every workplace activity, fostering accountability, responsibility, and efficiency to everyone.

Work Productivity & Efficiency

When discussing ideas and finalizing plans, it used to be face-to-face meetings. And admittedly, this process is tedious and time-consuming, significantly reducing workers’ productivity.

With software solutions providing tools to overcome difficulties in executing strategies, managers can easily track the everyday progress of a project and offer immediate reinforcement when needed. Workers are less distracted and can submit tasks even ahead of time.

Employees who have more access to technologies and tools are said to be more satisfied with their jobs and are more productive. According to an article, engaged employees have 41 percent less absenteeism and 17 percent more productivity.

Teamwork & Collaboration

Even before the outbreak of coronavirus, plenty of organizations have already been using collaborative tools for projects. These collaborative tools include Avcor, Trello, and Red Pen. Essentially, these tools make it easier and faster for teams to collaborate, even if virtually everyone is remote. Team members can join discussions remotely and accurate displays illustrate the ideas of every contributor.

Workers no longer have to spend time traveling just to meet in-person to discuss ideas. The minutes or even hours spent on traffic are allocated instead in useful brainstorming.

Security & Privacy

Though privacy and security have been a constant challenge for almost every modern-day workplace as interconnected data exposes organizations to cyber threats, there are measures readily available to curb these dangers. Apart from having an updated antivirus and antispyware in the office computers, employees are given training in cybersecurity principles.

For example, familiarizing your team with Slack eDiscovery compliance helps your company not just to adequately prepare for any regulatory compliance, but also in monitoring the flow of information.

business people shaking hands

Cost Management

It is a goal of any business to improve profitability. With the help of technological innovations, modern-day businesses are more fiscally healthy. Automation helps eliminate manual handling of tasks. It also gives accurate and faster results. Integrating various tasks is made possible through technology.

With the advent of remote work, companies can significantly save on overhead expenses, such as utilities and office space. Technology also makes outsourcing possible, paving the way to globalization and better resources.

Final Word

How technology helped shape modern-day workplaces is incredible. It has completely changed our traditional notion of a workplace environment. In this age of digitization, even the office culture has significantly changed. Offices are more open to relaxed dress codes, and office rankings are virtually irrelevant.

To remain competitive in the ever-evolving globalized world, organizations should learn to embrace newer technologies as they come along the way.

The Author

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