Venturing Into Resort Ownership: Essential Tips for Side Hustlers

a picture of a beautiful private resort
  • The success of a private resort depends heavily on location, understanding demographics, weather conditions, and competition.
  • Investing in a luxurious pool, designed professionally and maintained regularly, can significantly enhance a resort’s appeal.
  • Customer service is crucial, with personalized attention, professional staff, and efficient complaint handling key to success.
  • Starting a private resort can be rewarding, demanding detailed planning, attention, and effort to create memorable guest experiences.

Everyone dreams of the perfect vacation – a luxurious getaway where you can escape from the stress of everyday life. But what if you could create that perfect vacation experience for others by starting a private resort as a side business? With the rise of travel trends and the growth of the travel industry, starting a private resort can be an exciting and lucrative venture. If you’re considering starting your own private resort, there are several tips you should consider to make your business a success.

Location Is Key

One of the most crucial aspects of starting a private resort is choosing the right location.  Your resort’s location should be secluded enough to provide privacy but easily accessible and close to popular tourist attractions and entertainment.  Potential guests also want to feel safe when vacationing, so make sure to research the area’s crime rate and its reputation for being traveler-friendly. Here are other factors that you need to research:


Understanding the demographics of your potential guests is vital to your resort’s success. Consider the age, economic status, lifestyle, and  travel preferences  of the people likely to frequent your resort. For example, if you’re targeting young families, your resort should have child-friendly facilities. If you’re appealing to high-income business travelers, they might expect luxury amenities and business facilities. Tailoring your resort to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target demographics can ultimately lead to higher guest satisfaction and repeat business.


Another key factor in determining your resort’s success is the weather of your chosen location. Guests generally prefer locations with appealing climate conditions for vacation. A tropical climate with plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures can be ideal for beach resorts, while a mountainous area with cool temperatures might be perfect for a ski resort. Keep in mind that the seasonality of your resort can heavily impact your business operation and profitability.


Analyzing your competition is a vital step when starting a private resort. Research other resorts in your chosen location and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will provide you with crucial insights into what amenities or services are popular, what gaps in the market you could potentially fill, and how to differentiate yourself from competitors. Remember, distinguishing your resort from others can be a significant factor in attracting and retaining guests. It’s not just about being different but about offering something unique, valuable, and memorable.

a person holding a sign that indicates location

Invest in a Luxurious Pool

A luxurious pool can significantly enhance the appeal of your private resort, serving as a central attraction for guests seeking relaxation and leisure.  Investing in a high-quality pool is not just about aesthetics but also about creating an immersive, resort-like experience that encourages guests to unwind and enjoy their vacation.  Here are some tips to follow:

Get a Professional Designer

Hiring a professional designer to help create your pool is essential. They can assist you in designing a pool that complements the architecture of your resort and meets your guests’ needs. Whether you’re aiming for a sleek infinity pool that overlooks the ocean, a fun lagoon-style pool for families, or a relaxing spa pool for adults, a professional designer can help bring your vision to life. They can also advise on appropriate materials, safety measures, and the latest pool technology, ensuring your pool is not only beautiful but practical and durable.

Add Concrete Pool Coating

Adding durable concrete swimming pool coatings  to your resort’s pool can be an invaluable investment. This type of coating adds to the pool’s aesthetic appeal while simultaneously protecting it from potential damage. It’s resilient against the harsh effects of pool chemicals, UV rays, and the constant use of guests, ensuring your pool remains in excellent condition for years to come.

Plan for Pool Maintenance

Regular pool maintenance is integral to keeping your private resort attractive and inviting. Implement a consistent cleaning and maintenance schedule to ensure the pool’s water is always clear and free from harmful bacteria. Additionally, ongoing maintenance helps to identify and address minor issues before they escalate into significant, costly problems.

a beautiful swimming pool with sun bathing chairs

Customer Service Is Crucial

Providing top-notch customer service  is an essential element of running a successful private resort. Guests expect a high level of service and personalized attention during their stay.

Train your staff to be professional, courteous, and attentive to the needs of your guests. Furthermore, ensure you have a system in place to handle complaints efficiently and professionally.

If possible, go the extra mile to make your guests feel special and appreciated. Little gestures like welcome baskets, complimentary upgrades, or personalized recommendations can leave a lasting impression on your guests and encourage them to return.

Starting a private resort as a side business can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. With the right attention to detail, the proper planning, and the willingness to put in the time and effort, you can create a luxurious and memorable vacation experience for your guests while earning extra income. Choosing the right location, investing in a luxurious pool, and providing exceptional customer service are just some of the essential tips to consider when starting your own private resort. Now it’s time to turn your dream into reality and make others’ vacation dreams come true.

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