7 Skills to Learn During the Lockdown to Keep Your Mind Sharp

woman cooking

Make the most of this downtime and make yourself productive by picking up a new skill or two. Here are some ideas.

7 New Things to Learn During the Pandemic Lockdown

1. Learn more about computers.

Whether you’re a noob just learning your way around computers or you want to learn how to provide Microsoft SQL server support to different environments, learning computer-related skills is the way to go.

Some basic computer skills that are handy to learn at this time is knowing your way around Microsoft Office, encoding, digital and web design, and basic computer troubleshooting.

2. Learn a language or two.

Two things about this one: One, it looks great on any CV. Two, if you have plans of going to different countries for either work or leisure, then it’s pretty useful.

Learning a new language is never easy and it usually takes time to learn and adjust to. What better time to do it than now when we’re all confined in our homes indefinitely. We might as well use this time to add on to our marketability.

3. Learn some culinary skills.

One useful skill to pick up during this time is cooking. It requires little investment since you most probably already have the basic equipment and ingredients to start with.

It doesn’t even have to be fancy. If you’re starting from scratch, learning how to stir-fry or sauté is not as complicated as what you see on cooking shows. For those who are more advanced, you can take your culinary skills up a notch or two by taking classes online or using recipes from master chefs and replicating them at home.

4. Learn photography.

When we talk about photography, it’s not just limited to the use of an SLR or DSLR camera. Nowadays, most smartphones have camera features that can rival some of the base models of point-and-shoot cameras — a few mobile phone brands have even higher specs than actual handheld cameras.

Learn everything about photography from basics to advance techniques to photo editing and manipulation.

5. Learn to make music.

playing acoustic guitar

If you’ve always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument but just couldn’t find the time, guess what? Now you have all the time in the world.

Like all the other items on this list, classes and tutorials are available online. You just need to identify which musical instrument you want to learn and make sure that you have access to the instrument so you have something to use during the classes and for practice.

6. Learn to dance.

Dancing is a great form of exercise. It is an activity that is very holistic as it makes your body and mind work together. It improves your lungs and your heart and your coordination, flexibility, and agility. It also doesn’t cost as much. All you need is some space and good dance music and you’re good to go.

If you’re a non-dancer that wants to get started in the art form, look up some online tutorials on YouTube or sign up for online dance classes offered by several coaches and teachers.

7. Learn how to make art.

Unleash your creativity and artistry by taking up art classes. Different online classes and tutorials abound. You just need to figure out which art form to learn.

Classes and tutorials for drawing, painting, sculpting, calligraphy, and a whole lot more are available online.It might cost you a little bit because you need to purchase the necessary tools and supplies but it’s definitely worth the investment.

Learning a new skill during this pandemic quarantine helps you to pass the time and keep your brain functioning and alert.

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