Backlinking Strategies to Help Your Site Rank High on Search Engines

Do you want to increase the number of organic visits on your website? Do you want your site to be on the top five of the search engine results? Well, then, you need to be ready to do the work. Backlinks are the supreme ranking factor. When authority websites such as news websites link to your site, that creates a signal for search engines. It tells them that your site is legitimate, so it gives your site bonus points for being an authoritative source of information.

Building backlinks, especially high-quality ones, isn’t easy. You can hire an SEO outsourcing company to do the work for you. What they will do is to find quality websites to link back to your site. They can persuade these websites by publishing quality content on your site and establishing you as an expert in your field.

Although you can hire a company to build up your backlinks, this does not mean that you should be unaware of these strategies. Are you committed to bringing your website to the search engine’s first-page results? Then, you should be aware of the strategies that will help achieve that goal:

Be a Source for Journalists

To get that first-page ranking, you need backlinks from authority news sites and blogs. The best way to achieve that is by establishing your expertise and being noticed by journalists. Several websites cater to journalists and bloggers. In these websites, they ask questions about many things—web design, SEO, web analytics, HEPA filters, etc. They are always looking for the right sources for their articles.

You can get a mention on these articles by answering their questions as concisely as possible. In return, they will mention you in the article and link back to your site. This is the best way to establish your expertise on a subject matter. Being referenced by a journalist on a news website puts you in the best position.

Try the Skyscraper Content Method

blog writing

The skyscraper content method is a bit of work. If you are not prepared to research and write, this might not be the best strategy for you. What industry do you belong to? What is the trendiest topic that you can write about? Meaning, what do people want to read about your industry? Search for that keyword on search engine and read the first few articles that appear on the search results.

What have you noticed about these articles? Most of them are outdated and not that helpful. They are not well-researched and well-written. The only thing that’s good about them is that they were written at a time when few knew about these topics. But now, you have more information on hand. You can write a better article.

Go overboard. Overdo it. That’s why it’s called the skyscraper method. If the old articles talked about 10 web design tools, talk about 100 web design tools. Do the research. Your website will rank higher than ever because you will become a veritable source of information. Authority sites will want to link back to you because of how well-researched your topic is.

These are just two ways to build your site’s backlinks. There are many more that will help your site get noticed by news websites and blogs. Try a mix-and-match of strategies. See what works for your site and stick to it.

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