Automated Software Solutions for Internal & External Clients

people collaborating at the office

New technology like automation software can be disruptive in a good way, but only if you understand how and where to apply them. Business automation software solutions are slowly becoming the next leap forward. When used correctly, then can change an organization’s workflow and make it more efficient. Human workers can be freed from many mundane and repetitive office tasks, and ensure smoother operations. Here’s a look at how automated solutions can do good for both your employees and clients.

Onboarding Clients

What many businesses don’t realize is that they focus too much on customer acquisition and do much less for customer retention. Even after handshakes and payments, you can still lose the client if they don’t get a proper onboarding. Client onboarding is the process of methodically and effectively showing the customer all you have to offer. If you fail at onboarding, it could become the main reason why they leave you and don’t come back. One way of avoiding this is by using an effective client onboarding tool.

Employee Analytics for HR

For your internal clients aka your employees, automated software solutions like Cultureamp can assist HR personnel analyze huge chunks of employee data to ensure and improve their happiness before they are up for their annual assessment. Industry giants like Roche and Johnson & Johnson have already rolled out tools like these to better understand their employees.

woman working on her laptop

Automating the Hiring Process

The bigger the company, the larger the pool of candidates, the tougher it is to find the right talent. Having your HR personnel sort out a ton of resumes and applications can tie them down for days or even weeks. By using automated hiring tools, applications can be quickly sorted. The automated software works by identifying the most suitable candidates by searching for keywords in CVs. Once the automated software has done the initial screening, your HR department can more easily sift through and interview a smaller, more suitable pool of applicants.

Automated Customer Support

Human customer support representatives can’t man your phones around the clock, so this is where chatbots come in. Chatbots can handle the night shift, and provide customer support 24/7. There are now a lot of chatbot options out on the market, ranging from ready-off-the-shelf or more customizable build-your-own versions. Chatbots can take on a large volume of calls, and you should consider using them; a recent survey found that 45.8% of customers would rather call a business for support than send an email.

Digital Signature Tools

One of the worst bottlenecks comes from the need to get approval from key personnel or clients. Problems and delays occur when the signatures of key people for important documents can’t be obtained. This is where digital signature software can cut down on approval times, keeping teams and projects moving. Document signing and sending tools can allow you and other key people to sign, send, and receive important items quickly and securely.  

There are many processes in your business that can be improved with automation. Ask yourself which processes are slowing down productivity and if they can be improved. You might be surprised to find there is an automated solution out there for it.

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