Three Self-improvement Things You Can Do Without Leaving Your House

woman taking online course at home

As of April, approximately half of the global population is under lockdown. It’s unknown whether the stay-at-home order will be lifted or extended. But it’s not far-fetched to believe that it will take time before things return to normal. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti has stated that large gatherings are likely to be banned until 2021. Meanwhile, here are things you can do to relieve your boredom and improve yourself:

Take Online Classes

If you’re in the tech industry, take Cisco ACI training and improve your cloud networking knowledge. This is especially helpful if you’re part of the 26.4 million people who have lost their jobs recently. For those who are interested in fitness, you can learn yoga online and get certified to teach. With an official certification, you’ll stand out from other instructors and get benefits. If you don’t want to lose all the Spanish knowledge you’ve accumulated over the years, attend a class. The Universitat Politècnica de Valencia has a free course aimed to get you to the A1 proficiency level. Afterward, you have the choice of paying a fee for a verified certificate.

With more free time, why not pursue your passions? Harvard University offers several free courses that you can take online. With topics ranging from ancient art to classical music, there’s something for everyone. Up your Instagram game and try Michigan State University’s photography class. Learn the fundamentals and maximize your camera, whether it’s a DSLR or a smartphone.

Eat and Cook Right

Now more than ever is it important to care for your body. It is the worst time to get sick, even if it’s only a minor illness. A lot of clinics and pharmacies are closed while hospitals are overwhelmed. You can avoid a lot of financial and physical problems simply by not neglecting your health. A well-balanced diet can provide the nutrients you need and boost your immune system. Don’t try to substitute with vitamins and supplement pills. Studies show that fruit and vegetables still provide the best health benefits.

While fast-food restaurants are closed, why not try your hand at cooking? Incorporate as much plant-based food into your diet as you can. You don’t even have to go outside to buy produce. There are several services that can deliver them to your doorstep. Bon Appetit has gathered recipes with minimal ingredients ideal during quarantine.

Be Active

red haired woman doing yoga exercises at home

Everyone deserves a day to rest and watch their favorite Netflix show or check Instagram. But it’s important not to get carried away while you’re bored in quarantine. Too much exposure to social media is bad for your physical and mental health. You can avoid this by replacing your TV or phone habit with an exercise routine.

Contrary to popular belief, working out can actually make you feel happier. If you don’t have any equipment at home, you can follow one of the many videos on YouTube. You can even do exercises using your stairs. Try to follow the WHO’s recommendation of 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

With so much time at home, take the chance to improve yourself and focus on your well-being. The benefits are endless. Not only do you strengthen your body’s natural defenses and broaden your knowledge; you also save lives by self-isolating.

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