Five Science-backed Benefits of Indoor Plants

indoor garden

The global pandemic has taken a toll on people’s physical and mental health. But at this point, people have already found ways to cope with the situation. Did you know that people are going green indoor during the pandemic?

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, some households have considered indoor planting. Some families have set hydroponic gardens in their basements, installed porches with plants, and cultivated shrubs with blooms inside their houses.

If you’re wondering why indoor planting has become ‘in’ during this pandemic, here are five science-backed benefits:

1. A Form of Therapy

Mental health has become a growing concern during the pandemic. A lot of people are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. What’s good about indoor gardening is how it can address the symptoms of mental health problems.

In fact, research shows how indoor plants help improve mental health and overall well-being. On a more specific note, plants help reduce your stress levels by making you feel relaxed and comfortable around them.

Another study reveals that horticultural therapy has been used to treat people with anxiety and depression. Health professionals prescribe potted plants to patients to alleviate their symptoms of anxiety and depression. Ultimately, indoor planting is indeed a great form of therapy.

2. Faster Healing and Recovery 

Apart from mental health, indoor gardening is best for your physical health. Being around plants and shrubs helps speed up your healing and recovery from an illness or injury.

Faster healing and recovery around plants can be backed by science. A study shows that patients having undergone surgeries recuperated faster by merely looking at greenery. They took fewer medicines and had shorter inpatient stays.

If you have an injury or disease, it’s best to consider indoor planting. Doing so is all the more important during this pandemic. That way, you will be healthier amid the global health crisis.

3. Boost in Focus and Productivity

Another good reason to have indoor gardening is how plants can increase your focus and productivity. With shrubs and flowers around, you can concentrate and work better.

In fact, a study put a group of students in different classrooms. These include rooms with real plants, faux plants, plant photos, and no plants at all. The research revealed that students sitting in the room with real plants were more focused and attentive. Also, several studies confirmed how having plants in your workspace can boost your creativity and productivity.

That said, it’s best to start indoor planting during this pandemic as most employees are now working from home. In your case, have some indoor shrubs and flowers for a more conducive working environment.

indoor plants

4. Quality Air Circulation

Health and wellness are crucial, even in the comforts of your home. To ensure these, you must promote quality air circulation at home. Apart from cleaning your ducts and vents and installing air filters, having indoor plants can make all the difference.

In fact, one study shows that certain houseplants are considered house cleaners. These include the areca palm, lady palm, rubber plant, English ivy, and Boston fern, among others. There’s scientific support for this, known as phytoremediation. This process is when plants get and remove pollutants from the air.

Since you and your family are stuck during this pandemic, it’s a good idea to start gardening indoors. That said, unleash your green thumb and install a hydroponic system at home.

5. Income Generation

Generating income out of indoor gardening is no rocket science. However, there is always science behind cultivating plants inside your home and selling them for extra money.

However, growing shrubs, flowers, and vegetation inside your home is no easy feat. You must consider having a strong soil base, proper lighting, enough irrigation, and quality air circulation. If you opt for the hydroponic system, it can be challenging to grow your plants using nutrient solutions without soil.

If you want to make money, consider hydroponic cultivation of mushrooms, vegetables, or herbs either at home or via an environment-controlled farm box next to your house. You can grow and sell them to the wet market. Not only will you have a hobby and gain some health benefits, but you’ll also earn some cash during this pandemic.

Indoor planting is indeed beneficial to many households, especially during this pandemic. It becomes a form of therapy, boosts focus and productivity, provides quality air circulation, and even generates income. With all these key benefits, you have all the good reasons to start indoor planting amid the pandemic.

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