December 2022

creating materials

Harnessing Technologies for Efficient Pipe Maintenance and Preservation

For business owners, the efficient maintenance of pipes is critical to keeping operations running smoothly. Various technologies are available to help with this, from inspection robots to pipe mapping software. This article will examine some of the most popular options and how they can benefit your business. Intelligent pigging equipment Recent developments in intelligent pigging

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Applicants waiting for interview

How Technology is Revolutionizing International Recruitment

Now more than ever, technology plays a vital role in recruitment. With the world becoming increasingly connected and globalized and western markets experiencing a labor shortage, employers need more access to a larger pool of candidates for their open positions. Technology has made it possible for employers to reach out to potential employees from different

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Tech That Is Changing the Auto Detailing Industry

Automotive detailing has come a long way in the past decades. Thanks to technological advances, detailers can now offer customers new services that were previously impossible or impractical. Automotive Scheduling Apps These apps can provide several benefits for auto detailing businesses. For starters, they help simplify the process of managing appointments and staying organized. Instead of manually

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a young employee using modern tools at work

Improving Safety in Manufacturing: What You Need To Do

Whether you own a small business or a large manufacturing company, safety should always be a top priority. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), manufacturing is one of the riskiest industries in the U.S., with a 5 percent rate of occupational injuries and illnesses. Ensuring that you and your employees have a safe

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